To add your Food Items or Recipes to the MWU App, please follow the steps below:
Click 'Meals'.
Select 'Recipes'.
Click 'Add New'
If you're adding ingredients and directions to your entry choose the 'Recipe' option. Otherwise, select 'Food Item'. If you're adding a Food Item, we'll calculate the calories for you based on the macros (Protein, Fats, Carbs & Fibre). You select if you want to add a Recipe or Food Item by clicking on the arrow from the Food Type field.
Helpful Tip: Add your name to the front of any personal food or recipes you add, to make finding and adding them to your day a breeze! Simply save the title as your first name and then the food product, eg. ‘Rachel - Peanut Butter’
Once you've added your Food Item or Recipe, click 'Save' and you'll receive a notification that the Food Item or Recipe has been added to the Database.